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Display backlight intensity

Table of Contents

    How to change display backlight intensity in HDMI modules ?


    This manual explains how to change the display backlight intenisty in different HDMI modules. Modules have different interfaces that alter the method of setting up them.

    Types of modules classified by size.

    Modules are divided in 3 groups, 5”,7” and 10.1”. Each of the groups has 6 types of modules.

    Below is the list of 5” modules:

    Below is the list of 7” modules:

    Below is the list of 10.1” modules:

    Changing the display backlight intensity

    There are several was to change the intensity of display backlight. First thing that needs to be done is delivering power supply to the module that can be achievied via connecting USB-C cable, 6-pin molex connector labaled „PWM&POWER” or DC power jack. Next step is regarding to which module is beeing used, there is a different way to change the display backlight intensity.

    Methods divided by module size

    For 5” modules:
    To change the display backlight intensity it is possible to do it by using only „POWER&PWM” 6-pin molex.

    For 7” modules:
    To change the display backlight intensity it is possible to do it by 4 methods:
    – UART interface
    – „POWER&PWM” 6-pin molex
    – pushbuttons on PCB (PWR, MENU, EXIT, UP, DOWN)
    – keyboard extension interface (works the same as pushbuttons on PCB)

    For 10.1” modules:
    To change the display backlight intensity it is possible to do it by 3 methods:
    – „POWER&PWM” 6-pin molex
    – pushbuttons on PCB (PWR, MENU, EXIT, UP, DOWN)
    – keyboard extension interface (works the same as pushbuttons on PCB)


    „Power&PWM” 6-pin molex

    To change display backlight intensity using „Power&PWM” 6-pin molex use PWM signal generator.
    Signal parameters:
    f – 1k-10kHz
    V – 3,3V
    Range: 3.0-3.6V

    UART interface

    To change display backlight intensity using UART interface, first connect power supply to the module and HDMI. Next step is connecting the display via UART molex, after that using special tools, send UART command to the device responsible for changing the backlight intensity to the desired level.
    Baud rate: 9600
    5AA5038001xx, where xx can range from 0 to 64

    Pushbuttons on PCB (PWR, MENU, EXIT, UP, DOWN)

    To change display backlight intensity using pushbuttons on PCB, first connect power supply to the module and HDMI. Next step is using the PWR button, run the module. If the module is ON, press the menu button 3 times to access brightness control option. Using buttons UP and DOWN adjust the brightness to the desired level. Leave the menu using EXIT button 3 times.

    Keyboard extension interface (works the same as pushbuttons on PCB)

    To change display backlight intensity using Keyboard extension interface, first connect power supply to the module and HDMI. Next step is connecting the keyboard to the keyboard extension molex, after that using the PWR button, run the module. If the module is ON, press the menu button 3 times to access brightness control option. Using buttons UP and DOWN adjust the brightness to the desired level. Leave the menu using EXIT button 3 times.


    Depeneding on which type of module is being used there are several methods of setting up the display backlight intensity. Not all of the modules have the same interfaces, but all of them have one common which is 6-pin molex labeled „PWM&POWER”.



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