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Projected Capacitive Touch Screens

Projected Capacitive Touch Screens are now the most common type of touch screen used in phones, tablets, and other hand-held devices. This is the technology that allows us to tap, scroll, zoom, pinch, and flick, without even thinking about it. It has changed the way we interact with technology and removed previous barriers.

This amazing touchscreen technology is available for our smart displays. We can design, develop, and manufacture a tailor-made solution for you, and perfect it with custom cover glass and graphics.

Cover glass thickness options

All our standard industrial touch panels are with 1.1mm Cover Glass, they are the base for our touch and smart displays. Such thickness is enough in most applications. Also, we are aware that there are many applications that require thicker cover glass. Therefore, we have created 4.3” and 7.0” PCAPs with Cover Glass thicknesses from 1.0mm to 6.0mm, including Gorilla Glass.

We did not just design them, we have manufactured them, so they are ready to be shipped from stock.

For our new line of capacitive touch displays, we offer cover glass thickness of:

  • 1.1mm
  • 1.8mm
  • 2.8mm
  • 4mm
  • 6mm


Choose the one that best suits your project. And don’t worry all the available glass thickness options are always on stock. You can order different versions and test them out whenever you want. Of course, the same goes for different display sizes. Simply let us know what you need, and we will provide it.

With our ready-to-test touch panels you do not need to wonder or pay any tooling. You can simply order samples with few Cover Glass thickness options and test. No tooling, no waiting and USB connector to test straight away.

3.5” ILI2132 I2C, USB (optional UART) 1.1 RVCTP35UI00 
4.3” ILI2132 I2CUSB (optional UART) 1.1 RVCTP43UI00 
5.0” ILI2132 I2C, USB (optional UART) 1.1 RVCTP50UI00 
7.0” ILI2132 I2C, USB (optional UART) 1.1 RVCTP70UI00 
10.1” ILI2132I2C, USB (optional UART) 1.1 RVCTP101UI00 
4.3” EXC80W32 I2C, USB (optional UART) 1.00 (Gorilla Glass)RVCTP43UE00 
4.3” EXC80W32 I2C, USB (optional UART) 1.10 RVCTP43UE01 
4.3” EXC80W32 I2C, USB (optional UART) 1.80 RVCTP43UE02 
4.3” EXC80W32 I2C, USB (optional UART) 2.80 RVCTP43UE03 
4.3” EXC80W32 I2C, USB (optional UART) 4.00 RVCTP43UE04 
4.3” EXC80W32 I2C, USB (optional UART) 6.00 RVCTP43UE05 
7.0” ILI2132 I2C, USB (optional UART) 1.00(Gorilla Glass)RVCTP70UI01
7.0” ILI2132 I2C, USB (optional UART) 1.80 RVCTP70UI02
7.0” ILI2132 I2C, USB (optional UART) 2.80 RVCTP70UI03
7.0” ILI2132 I2C, USB (optional UART) 4.00 RVCTP70UI04 
7.0” ILI2132 I2C, USB (optional UART) 6.00 RVCTP70UI05 

Industrial or consumer-grade controllers

If you’re wondering which controller to choose for your display, here’s a short explanation about the difference between the two types of controllers.

First, you should note that consumer controllers are primarily built for mobile market applications. They are currently very popular on the market, as they are the cheapest option. The problem is that consumer controller IC manufacturers are following their main customers and mobile phones change typically every 6 months. In turn, they also change the controllers.

When this happens, you will have to change your design.

On the other hand, industrial controllers follow industrial manufacturers and are guaranteed to be manufactured typically 10 to 15 years w/o any changes.

Besides longevity, in industrial controllers, you will get way better performance. This of course means, that you will be able to pass industrial, medical, and military standards. Furthermore, they will work with thick cover glass, gloves, and water droplets.

You will also have full control of how touch operates.

USB port for easy testing

All our new industrial PCAPs are equipped with USB and I2C, so that our users can test them straight from the box, by connecting them directly to any PC.

Popular operating system, such as Windows and Linux have proper drivers built in, so when the display is connected via USB it will be registered as HID device.

Communication Protocol and Drivers

We have prepared a detailed description of how to use our touch panels for Linux and Android-based platforms, as well as for no-OS and RTOS based applications, together with examples.

Please check the getting started documents that provide you fast introduction to the usage of the ilitek2xxx device.

If you are making your own Linux or Android distribution and want to add drivers manually, please visit the “Riverdi GitHub” to get the source code for “Linux/Android driver”.

In case you need any additional documentation about source code for Linux/Android driver” please contact us.


Our touch panels are designed to meet highest industry standards, especially RS, CS and ESD.


EMICISPR 22, 30MHz~1GHzunder limit line ~4dB
ESDIEC 61000-4-2, Level 4 Air: +/- 15kV; Contact +/-8kV2-finger touchingno ghost point no broken line no idlingClass B
RSIEC 61000-4-3, Level 4 30V/mClass A
EFTIEC 61000-4-4, Level 4 2kVClass A
CSIEC 61000-4-6, Level 3: 10VrmsPASS
AC Power NoiseFrequency: 1kHz~500kHz Amplitude: 20Vpp pulse Test method: Input noise to DC GNDPASS
T5 Lamp NoiseLamp length: 4-feet Distance: 15~20cmPASS


Package SizeQFN88  10*10 mmBGA 90 6*6mmBGA 169 9*9 mm
InterfaceUSB/I2C/Optional UARTUSB/ I2C/Optional UARTUSB/I2C/Optional UART
ESDEach pin: ±4 KVEach pin: +/- 4KVEach pin: +/- 2KV
CS (Conductive Susceptibility)10 Vrms10Vrms10Vrms
RS (Radiated Susceptibility)30 V/m30V/m50V/m
CG Thicknessmax 10 mmMax: 10mmMax: 15mm
Glove ThicknessMax: 2mmMax: 5mmMax: 5mm
Palm RejectionYESYESYES

Working with gloves

When it comes to industrial and harsher environments, you should know that our touch panels can be tuned to work with almost any kind of gloves.

Capacitive touchscreens are covered with electrodes, and human skin is a conductive material. So, when your finger touches the screen the electrical circuit is complete. Riverdi industrial capacitive touch panels work easily with thin gloves, like medical latex glows and any other thin gloves. If you need your device to work with special thick gloves please contact us and we will tune touch screen for you, so it will be smoothly working with fingers (no gloves) and your thick gloves.

Working with water

Again, on the topic of harsh environments, our touch screens work in high humidity, outdoors, as well as with water droplets. You can safely install them in industrial and medical surroundings.



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Contact us now, save with quality, not on quality.