Antibacterial surface protection is an innovative and effective solution for displays. It’s the next big step in smart display solutions. Kastus is a leading company in this sector and Riverdi is their advanced partner. We offer 24/7 antimicrobial surface protection technology for all Riverdi displays. Kastus designed and patented antimicrobial coatings to protect surfaces against bacteria and germs.
Please note that antimicrobial and antibacterial surface protection is actually the same. Both terms – antibacterial and antimicrobial – describe actions taken to reduce possible infections.

How antimicrobial surface protection works
The patented solution is sprayed onto the glass screen surface. Then it’s sintered using heat. The result is an enhanced screen surface that provides always-on antimicrobial surface protection. It’s designed to protect against up to 99.99% of harmful bacteria such as MRSA, E. coli and C. dif.
Ideal solution for public space
In communal spaces hundreds and thousands of people are interacting with touch panels. The antimicrobial surface protection technology is perfect solution for public displays. It also works well in medical environments. That’s exactly where a germ-free interaction with technology is crucial. Antibacterial surface protection technology made by Kastus is the most efficient way to treat this problem.
Contact us if you would like to add antibacterial surface protection to your display.
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