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New 7-inch High-Brightness RGB and LVDS smart displays

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We have just added new products to our RGB and LVDS product lines. 7-inch high-brightness and high-resolution displays, in multiple versions.

RGB interface displays

Our RGB display line has always been popular. They are simple to use, easy to customize to suit the needs of the project, and cost-effective.

Well, now we have a special, enhanced group of RGB displays to offer.

They are high-brightness, 7’’ displays with a 1024x600px resolution. Each one features a backlight of 27 white LEDs.

You can choose between different versions of the product. If you want a metal mounting frame, a decorative cover glass, or no frame at all. You can choose between a capacitive touchscreen or no touchscreen.

LVDS interface displays

Of course, the new LVDS interface displays are high-brightness as well. They also feature backlight of 27 white LEDs.

All you need to do is choose what kind of LVDS display you need.

Check out the product page to learn more.

Easy customization

You can customize our RBG and LVDS displays in many different ways.

  • Change the color, shape, and size of the cover glass
  • Have your logo printed on the cover glass (or any other graphics you might need)
  • Add a different interface
  • Enhance the brightness of the screen
  • Change the thickness of the cover lens for the CTP
  • Choose a different viewing angle of the display
  • Change the pinout
  • Request different gasket assembly

As you can see the possibilities are endless. All you need to do is choose.



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Save by quality

Go to our product catalog and see how you can save by quality, not on quality.

Contact us now, save with quality, not on quality.