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Riverdi PCAP – Projected Capacitive Touch Screen

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We are proud to present our latest innovation in Projected Capacitive Touch Screens available in sizes from 3.5″ to 10.1″, with integrated industrial-grade controllers.

This advanced touchscreen technology is available for our smart displays. We can design, develop, manufacture a tailor-made solution for you, and perfect it with custom cover glass and graphics.

Cover glass thickness options

All our standard industrial touch panels come with 1.1mm cover glass, which is the base for our touch and smart displays. Such thickness is enough in most applications, but when a thicker cover glass is required, we can offer 4.3″ and 7.0″ PCAPs with cover glass thicknesses ranging from 1.0mm to 6.0mm, including Gorilla Glass.

We did not just design them; we manufacture them, so they are ready to be shipped from stock.

Industrial-grade controllers

In our PCAPs, we use industrial controllers that are guaranteed to stay in production typically 10 to 15 years without any changes.

Besides longevity, the industrial controllers perform better than consumer-grade controllers, allowing a smooth pass of industrial, medical, and military standards. Furthermore, they will work with thick cover glass, gloves, and water droplets.

You will also have full control of how touch operates and easy access to the controller thanks to the integrated USB (the panel connects to any PC and doesn’t require drivers).


Our touch panels meet the highest industry standards, especially RS, CS, and ESD.

Working with gloves and water

Industrial and harsh environments often require gloves operations, which is a problem for standard capacitive touch panels. Our PCAPs work well with gloves as well as with water droplets. You can safely install them in industrial and medical surroundings.

Visit the official PCAP page to learn more.

Of course, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, our team is always there to offer help and guidance.



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Go to our product catalog and see how you can save by quality, not on quality.

Contact us now, save with quality, not on quality.