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New Riverdi 12.1” display series expansion

We are thrilled to introduce the latest expansion to our display product series.
The new 12.1” displays are a significant size upgrade to our existing 10.1” products, offering enhanced features and a larger active area for a more immersive experience.

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Product basics and purpose

Our new 12.1” displays are the latest addition to Riverdi’s diverse display product lineup. These displays offer a larger size, expanding the viewing area by 45% compared to our existing 10.1” models.

The 12.1” expansion meets the growing demand for larger screens in industrial applications, reflecting trends in the consumer market. It offers a more extensive interactive surface, making it ideal for applications requiring detailed data visualization and enhanced user experience.


Unique parameters of the series

The expansion was designed to provide maximum customization and straightforward replacement options:

  • Exeptional size in the market:
    Especially in our STM32 and EVE4 embedded display series,
    the 12.1” size stands out as exceptional.
  • Advanced touch panel controller:
    Incorporating the ILITEK Touch IC – ILI2511,
    supporting cover glass thickness up to 15mm and having low sleep current.
  • Interchangeability:
    The 12.1” displays maintain the same resolution and matching timings as the 10.1” models, allowing straightforward replacements.
  • High performance and brightness:
    Featuring IPS TFT LCD technology with full viewing angles and high brightness (up to 1000 cd/m²), perfect for industrial-grade applications.
  • Optical bonding only:
    Enhancing durability and readability by reducing reflections.


Demanding use cases and real benefits for the user

Ideal for embedded systems, industrial control panels, medical devices, and other applications that require a larger, high-quality display with robust performance and energy efficiency:

  • Enhanced visibility:
    45% larger active area for better data visualization and interaction.
  • Energy efficiency:
    Low power consumption (below 10 mA), ideal for battery-powered applications.
  • Touch and durability:
    PCAP touch panels can operate with thick cover glass, gloves and in extreme industrial environments.
  • Fully modular and customizable:
    Fitting any specific project need without compromising optical performance.


Use cases for specific applications

In these examples, a larger active area significantly enhances functionality, user experience, and efficiency by providing clear, detailed information and supporting complex interactions.

EV chargersUser interface on Electric Vehicle charging stations

Detailed instructions:

Clear, step-by-step charging instructions for a user-friendly experience, especially for first-time users.

Real-time information:

Display comprehensive real-time data such as charging status, time remaining, cost, and power consumption.

Advertising and notifications:

Display advertisements, promotional offers, or important notifications when the charger is idle.

Parcel lockersUser interface on smart parcel lockers

Enhanced usability:

Clearer instructions and a more intuitive interface for parcel pickup and drop-off. 

Detailed information:

Easily view detailed parcel information, tracking details, and locker status updates. 

Security features:

Accommodate security features like facial recognition, QR code scanning, and signature capture. 

Multiple functions:

Display various functions such as parcel size selection, payment options, and customer service chat without switching screens. 

Advertisements and promotions:

Display advertisements or promotional content when idle.

Medical equipmentDiagnostic imaging systems (ultrasound, X-ray displays)

Detailed visualization:

High-resolution, detailed visualization of medical images for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Multiple views:

View multiple images or different angles simultaneously, aiding comprehensive analysis without switching views.

Annotations and measurements:

More space for annotations, measurements, and notes directly on the images without cluttering the display.


Why you should buy it

Our new 12.1” displays combine advanced technology with practical design, offering the perfect solution for industrial applications needing a larger, high-performance display. With their unique features and compatibility, these displays ensure seamless integration and superior user experience.


Product availability

Riverdi Display Series where 12.1” size is available:

For more details and to order a sample, please contact us.