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Featured product – 5-inch capacitive touch with decorative cover glass

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Today, we wanted to turn the spotlight to one of our most popular products – the RVT50UQTNWC0x. A 5-inch display with a capacitive touchscreen, 800×480 resolution, and an RGB interface.

Why is RVT50UQTNWC0x so popular?

You might wonder now, why is this particular product so popular?

Well, first of all, its size makes it very versatile. It can be used in numerous contexts and applications. You can easily use it in an industrial setting, just as it can be implemented in, for example, home automation. The 5-inch screen is one of the most widely used in the industry.

According to market research, the smart display market is expected to grow to $6,665 million by 2025, and this is where the smaller display sizes come into play. When you consider that the automotive industry is one of its main users. Automotive companies all over the world are starting to offer display rearview mirrors, instead of regular ones. 

Secondly, the popularity of RVT50UQTNWC0x can be attributed to its decorative cover glass. The sleek design means that the customer doesn’t need to spend additional time on the design of the display, within their application. They just need to choose if they prefer the white or the black decorative cover glass.

On the more technical side, the RVT50UQTNWC0x is a great option for industrial spaces, since its design makes sure that dirt accumulation is not possible. 

It also features chemically strengthened glass, which has increased durability, thanks to the process of ion-exchange.

Customization options

If you like the features that we have presented here, but you would like to implement certain changes, in order to make the display fit your needs more closely, contact us, and we’ll make a customized version for you.

You can choose a different cover glass color or shape. You could add a certain company logo or graphics design. Or you could request a different interface, or anything else.



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